MammoPad™ Breast Cushion
A soft, warm breast cushion that provides a more comfortable mammogram, eases patient anxiety, and can result in better tissue coverage.
Information for Healthcare Professionals

A Softer Mammogram
Some women may think mammograms are painful, but there are ways to reduce discomfort. The most frequently reported source of pain is compression, followed by discomfort caused by the edges of the image receptor. MammoPad cushions reduce this discomfort and take the chill off the receptor surface. Studies show that the softer mammogram provided by the MammoPad cushion reduces discomfort by 50% for three out of four women.1,2
Improved Imaging
Use of the MammoPad cushion has been shown to significantly increase tissue acquisition.3,4 The cushion’s grip-like surface holds breast tissue in place to ensure optimal positioning, which leads to greater accuracy in mammography.4
Quality Materials
MammoPad breast cushions are latex-free and hypoallergenic.
A Comfortable Solution
MammoPad cushions can be used with the SmartCurve® Breast Stabilisation System* designed for the Hologic Dimensions® platform, for the ultimate in patient care.

Unlock the Advantage of Time
The Breast Health Continuum of Care offers integrated solutions for clinical confidence, workflow efficiency and compassionate patient care. It is our purpose to help more women to be in better health.
The MammoPad Breast Cushion is part of the Hologic Screening & Diagnosis Solution.
Improve Patient Satisfaction
Over 25% of technologists report that mammography discomfort impacts patient satisfaction scores.5 Imaging centres that have added the MammoPad cushion to their mammography services have seen an increase in patient satisfaction,5 as well as an increase in patient volume and revenue.6 Using a softer mammogram can help differentiate your imaging centre. The cushions are compatible with many mammography systems.

Markle, L., et al. “Reduction of Discomfort During Mammography Utilizing a Radiolucent Cushioning Pad.” The Breast Journal 10 (4) (2004) 345-9.
Tabar, L. et al. “Clinical Assessment of a Radiolucent Cushion for Mammography.” Acta Radiologica. 45 (2) (Apr. 2004) 154.
Watt, A. Christine and Everett-Massetti, E. “Use of a Mammography Comfort Aid and Education to Improve Breast Positioning.” NCBC Poster March-April, 2005, Las Vegas, NV.
Coryell, T. “Increasing Mammography Tissue Acquisition Through Positioning Training and Use of a Foam Breast Cushion.” NCBC Poster, March 2006, Las Vegas, NV.
Mendat CC, et al. Patient Comfort from the technologist perspective: factors to consider in mammographic imaging. International Journal of Women’s Health, 2017:9 359-364.
MammoPad Breast Cushion Case Study: Lourdes Hospital, Hologic MISC-01145, Rev 002 8/2016